Summer KiwiSaver scheme

Make the most of your KiwiSaver opportunity

Summer was established with the goal of assisting people to make the most of their KiwiSaver opportunity.

The Summer KiwiSaver scheme allows you to create your own portfolio of investments by choosing any combination of our funds - it’s your money. We call this My Plan. You can invest in any combination of our ten funds or leave the investment mix to Summer by investing in the Summer Conservative, Balanced or Growth Selections.

What to expect with the Summer KiwiSaver scheme

The Forsyth Barr KiwiSaver offering is the Summer KiwiSaver scheme. It offers members five key benefits: 

  • We are investment specialists. As part of Forsyth Barr, we bring over 80 years of investment experience.

  • Our investment manager is active. They respond to market opportunities rather than tracking a market index irrespective of changing market circumstances.

  • We are focused on performance. Performance information can be found in the latest fund update and at
  • We keep you informed. We share our knowledge, making sure you are informed about both your money and the broader investment market.

  • Responsible investment, including environmental, social and governance considerations, is taken into account in the investment policies and procedures of the Scheme as at the date of this PDS. You can get more information about our approach to responsible investment at


To learn more about the Summer KiwiSaver scheme, speak to an Investment Adviser or visit

View prior quarterly and annual disclosure statements for the Forsyth Barr KiwiSaver scheme.

The Summer KiwiSaver scheme is managed by Forsyth Barr Investment Management Ltd. You can obtain the Scheme’s product disclosure statement and further information about the Scheme at, from a Forsyth Barr office, or by calling Summer on 0800 11 55 66. Forsyth Barr Investment Management Ltd is a licensed manager of registered schemes and part of the Forsyth Barr group of companies. 

Savings Specialists

You can contact our team directly on 0800 11 55 66.

Speak to an adviser

Find out more about the Summer KiwiSaver scheme by speaking to one of our Investment Advisers. They will take the time to understand what you want to achieve, and work out a plan that is right for you. Alternatively you can visit to find out more.